There is absolutely nothing like a little Southern Comfort food. And, it doesn’t have to be cold outside to crave this popular loaf. It can be eaten anytime of the year and some households rotate it weekly. I won’t leave you guessing much longer. It is Southern Style Meatloaf and it is extra easy to make.
Is it hearty? Yes. Is it delicious? Extremely! I used extra lean ground beef, but you may choose to use ground turkey, veal or your meat of choice. I have yet to make it with ground turkey, but will eventually start experimenting with a variety of different meats. And, when I do, I will be sure to update you with a new recipe.
I know that ground turkey tends to be a little drier and that is why I prefer ground beef. I like moist textures. I can assure you that the ground beef along with the bread crumbs, egg, green pepper, onion and other seasonings, will allow you to form the perfect loaf without it falling apart. And, speaking of seasonings, I kept them simple.
Once I formed the loaf, I placed it in the oven and when it was just about ready, I glazed the top of the meat. The aroma in the kitchen made me excited to try it hot out of the oven. And when I tasted it, it did not disappoint. It was moist and mouth watering.
The glaze that I used to top the meatloaf merged perfectly with the meat. I believe cooking is very similar to a science experiment. You have everything laid out and start the experiment, but will not know the results, until the end of that project. Sometimes, it goes perfectly and sometimes, you get a totally different result, which is not necessarily a bad result. Many popular recipes have happened, just by experimenting in the kitchen.
Meatloaf has quite a history. It has been around since the late 1800’s. My Google research tells me that it became quite popular in the 1970’s. I used to love going to a fancy buffet and seeing meatloaf on the menu.
Of course, if I am going to eat comfort food, I want all of the comfort food side dishes. For me, it is mashed potatoes, heavy on the butter, broccoli or green beans with some type of bread. If it is not a roll, then, for me, I love corn muffins. Yes. Good old Jiffy corn mix. Now, that’s Southern comfort.
You might be wondering why Meatloaf is called comfort food? Comfort food relaxes you and makes you tired at the same time. I do believe you may even nap like a baby. I know I always do. Then just like a baby, when I awaken, I am ready for more food.
I enjoyed making this meatloaf for my dad and sister. They truly enjoyed every savory bite. And, soon after eating this Southern Style meal, we all napped like babies. I too, hope that you Enjoy your Meatloaf AND your Nap! Until the next recipe!