How do you like to eat your squash? Well, I love to sauté it with onions! Sautéed Squash and Onions is one of the very first recipes that I learned how to cook. My mom has been making this recipe since I can remember. Sautéed Squash and Onions was probably one of the first foods that I ever tasted when I first started solid foods as a baby.
Sautéed Squash and Onions can be rather unassuming. It sounds like a pretty basic dish, but it is so savory and fresh. And, it can be spiced up or sweetened up any way that you like. The salt and pepper used here are simply to enhance the flavor of the squash and onions. I love a quick and easy recipe and this one is just that. It’s quick, easy, tasty, and flavorful!
To get started on making this, you’ll need 2 yellow squash and 1 medium-sized onion. Simply slice the squash in 1/4 inch slices. Be sure to get rid of the stem at the end of each squash. Slice the onion into 1/4 inch slices as well. You want every piece to be a similar size. Then, in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat, heat some grape seed oil or olive oil. Add in the squash and onions. Cook the squash and onions for 8 minutes total. Be sure to stir occasionally so that it does not stick.
Then, add in water, salt, and black pepper. Only a 1/4 cup of water is needed. A little bit of water helps to keep the squash and onions moist. These are the perfect two seasonings (salt and pepper) to use. There is no need to add onion powder because the onions naturally flavor the squash. Garlic or garlic powder is also not needed. It might be a little too strong for the type of sautéed squash and onions we are making.
Cook everything for an additional 2 minutes. And, that’s pretty much it! It is all really easy to make. In just about 10 minutes you can have a delicious side dish that you can eat with any meal of the day. The texture is wonderful and the taste is even better. I sure hope that you enjoy this recipe! Happy Cooking and Eating!